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Judgment526 • 1 year ago

John logic: Robe = Rose

Maryrose has one hell of a cool and versatile ability.

Veldora • 1 year ago

Having low soot but becoming overpowered since you can manipulate all soot? Awesome.

PettankoLovingCunnyseur • 1 year ago

Basically, the Atronach birth sign in Elder Scrolls. You can't produce much of your own MP but can absorb others'.

noodlo • 1 year ago

most powerful shadow in the child's wing for sure

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

Not the most powerful shadow in children's wing in terms of soot power. But, she does know very well how to use her power despite having only a little amount. She can't instantly create 1 giant soot creature, that's why she apply her power to create many small soot creature and let them climb on each other to become big.

But, despite not being the most powerful in the wing, she can still defeat the children without showing herself and dominate the wing.

Iceknight Magna • 1 year ago

I like how intellectually and physically formidable Maryrose turned out to be. They didn't make Kate into some shounen character who can easily overpower or outsmart Maryrose like it was nothing.

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

They rhyme it has to be a match lol.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

She REALLY does, it's actually INCREDIBLY OP if you think about it and if she was ever made free and set among human society she could basically make herself a queen in short order.

vovan1 • 1 year ago

Oh no Maryrose, set up death flags, we all know what follows :(

Rubbyrose • 1 year ago

Who was in that fusion box.....was that chara even introduced?

Kriss_KT • 1 year ago

The one in the fusion box is an unnamed character
So the character itself is not important so dw

Rubbyrose • 1 year ago


Astolfo-kun • 1 year ago

Fusion process looks terrifying

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

*Failed fusion

But yeah, that was some pretty chilling imagery...

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

No disrespect or offense to any Filipinos that read this, but It kind of made me think of how Balut can look when you open it.. XD

Side note: May I say that every country has SOME scary looking or seeming dishes in their culture, so I'm not singling anyone out, it's just what came to mind with the whole "opening the cocoon and showing the contents scene"

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

Just saw latest JoJo where partially developed embryos were shown and happened to look up balut b/c of your comment lol - ohh man...when your food is fit to be JoJoed

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

XD Right?!

Who's Rem? • 1 year ago

Every part of this comment aside from the part about balut was unnecessary.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

You may be correct, but I realize that a lot of people get offended easily these days or worse feel like they are being picked on or ostracized (and maybe they really love Balut, maybe it's like their very favorite food that they eat as a celebration), and I figure if this comment survives a very long time and enough people read it, someone is bound to be bummed out unless I add that in. So eh, I don't taking the extra time to write a small footnote if it keeps someones day from being ruined.

AND before you say it, Yes I know this is the internet and people can say whatever the heck they want and blast anyone who doesn't like it because that's freedom of speech! I completely recognize the validity of that as the case, but on the same vein, unless I'm purposefully intending to burn someone or troll them, I'd rather at least make the effort to acknowledge someone and make their day better than ruin it. Anywho, I'm sure you get the jist.

Lastly, I had a Filipino GF some years back and she really drilled into my head how much she loved Balut and how it was unfairly criticized by the rest of the world, so I guess her lectures made an impression.XD

Who's Rem? • 1 year ago

Are you a people pleaser? The sooner you stop fretting over how everyone feels about a comment over something so insignificant, the better. No one has the right to get upset over a vaguely derisive comment about how the inside of Balut looks, if they do get upset, you arent at fault, they are.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Well thank you, I appreciate your being so considerate to take the time to write me about this. :) (Sincerely meant, not sarcasm btw) Anyways, I do make an effort to be respectful of people and put myself in the shoes of others as a general habit, but no, I wouldn't say I'm a people-pleaser as such, but I have a small personal anecdote as to why I take the time to write these addendums....Basically, a number of years back when I was younger and less self disciplined, I ran across a few comments written by posters that were at their cores completely innocuous. However, due to the fact the comments contained some generalizations about a category of people or class/group etc.. I was a part of....I found myself annoyed by the comments, in fact I actually got quite perturbed. However, recognizing the fruitlessness of replying to such commentary and that it was not directed at me personally, I just let it go and didn't say anything. Though for the next week or so, it was a constant vexation in my thoughts and overall ended up kind of "getting my goat" at the saying goes.

I realized this was my own issue and no one else, and determined to learn from the experience and better myself, I have since then tried to put myself in the shoes of the other person and look at possible interpretations of certain things before I post them in order to not inflict the same unintended vexation upon anyone else.
Of course, I don't always do this, but for certain things I do take the time, if for no other reason than to satisfy my own resolution towards such. I.E if I add it, it makes me feel better. Take that as you will. Lol, I'm certainly not perfect by any means, but I do continually strive to be a better person in my own inexplicable ways. XD You can just chalk me up to being a weirdo or overly cautious or what have you, if that makes more sense, I'm not proud. XD

Who's Rem? • 1 year ago

II don't think you are a weirdo, I just think you fret a little too much over minor things. The thing about past experiences is that you can learn and improve thanks to them, but they can also bias you. I think I can say confidently that most people when they see a comment that bugs them and decides to hold their tongue, they will forget about it within the day. There may be a comment, minor, but it does bug you enough that it sticks in your head for a while, but it doesn't mean it will always happen, in fact, I see it as a once in a hundred chance. Takes too much effort to take a once in a hundred chance into consideration every time you speak. You are very well spoken, but it would do you good to be a little less overly cautious, is tiring always worrying what others may thing.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

I understand what you are saying and you make sense, that is, I see the merit in what you are trying to convey to me. I understood it from your previous comment, it's just that personally, I don't see it as a source of stress or even as extra work. It's something I have done so often that I've basically retrained myself write that way and it's essentially second nature. ;D
That being said, I also generally dislike being a source of stress to others as that is just the type of person I am, and it is now my impression that your commenting is not due to a desire to "best" me in verbal combat but rather just to sincerely make things easier on me. So, while it really isn't a difficulty for me, I appreciate your consideration and effort on my behalf and I shall make a genuine effort in the future to from time to time put into practice what you are suggesting. Basically, no promises, but I will give it a try in some of the cases where it may be applicable and perhaps more often once I get used to it.

HOWEVER, if someone gives me a hard time about it, I'm sending them to YOU! :D

.....Which probably won't work because I'll say "Take it up with "Who's Rem?""...and they'll be like "Who's Rem?" and I'll be like, "Yeah! Who's Rem?!" and they'll be like "What are you even talking about dude? " And I'll be like...."Eh nevermind, I forgot, and you wouldn't remember even if I told you." XDXDXD

Who's Rem? • 1 year ago

Lmao, that last part gave me a laugh. Thanks for understanding, I see we have two different outlooks on this.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Ha! Thanks! XD Two different outlooks perhaps, but I feel we are the same at heart, thank you for caring either way. I'll keep a friendly eye out for your comments in the future. I'll try not to forget you. ;D

hazki • 1 year ago

as a filipino, im not offended at all. but some people does get offended. and it's usually the people who aren't even involved lol. reminds me of that video where someone wore a chinese outfit and the whites were so offended but the chinese loved it. but of corse i can't speak for any other filipinos aside from myself

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Lol! Yeah, good point! That tends to happen with all kinds of groups doesn't it? I've seen a number of similar things in my day as well. XD

Vlad • 1 year ago

It looks like both would rather want to run and that's why they get trapped in that sarcophagus...
BTW, there was an Austrian princess (forgot her name), who was known as frail and pale. She was rarely seen by people other than her inner circle and if she was seen, it was usually in the night. That resulted in a lot of rumors and superstitions. In the end, she succumbed to her mysterious disease. Then a sacriliege occured: her coffin was locked and put into a larger sarcophagus, which in turn was wrapped in chains and covered by over 1m of concrete. Then, they built a chapel on top of her unmarked grave! I have no idea how her relatives and the church let that pass, unless they were involved in it themselves. However, that's probably lost to history, unlike her medical bills...

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Interesting, are you referring to Eleonora Von Schwarzenberg or someone else? I haven't read her story, but I'm aware of it.

It sounds to me, just from your description that she was probably a suspected vampire, I would guess that burying her in that manner was probably the only way they could keep people from digging up her grave and desecrating the body.
If I recall correctly, suspected vampires often had to have not only the corpse staked with a wooden stake, but also sometimes de-limbed, or had bricks put in their mouths, or heads severed and placed between their legs, sometimes just hung from a rope until the corpse rotted away.. etc... all manner of mutilation....I recall reading of one man whos relative died and was suspected of being a vampire....when the man began to fall ill with a mysterious sickness, it was assumed the relative was draining his life at night. Thus, the prescribed cure was to cut out the dead relatives heart, burn it to ashes, and then make the sick man drink the ashes.
Most of these acts/remedies were cultural traditions that were supposed to be illegal but occurred anyways. I think a lot of this started in places like Serbia and Poland etc...BUT just about every culture has it's own vampire myths if you dig deep enough back.

Anywho, your comment just made me think that one possibility was to protect her from vampire killing mobs.

Vlad • 1 year ago

You might be right about that. Roughly a century earlier, Austrians really F-ed up big time by causing Vampire-mass-hysteria. Back then, Romania was their eastern most province and a mysterious plague ravaged the land, along with banditry. They thus sent out some doctors, which had to be escorted for their own protection with soldiers. When they dug up one of the corpses, it had a bloody grin and burped (corpses bloat due to decomposition and dragging it out of the coffin probably caused it to burp). The soldiers dragged the doctor off and decapitated the corpse and burnt it! (against the protest of the doctor). Soon thereafter, graves were dug up everywhere and corpses got dismembered, burnt, or had their mouths smashed in by stuffing a rock into their face... They thus caused the very opposite of what they tried to achieve and they couldn't even investigate why people were dying in the first place... That was nearly as big of an embarassement as the one time the Austrian army defeated itself in a fight over booze, allowing the Ottomans to conquer a big territory (various ethnic groups started fighting each other within the Austrian army and those that weren't directly involved thought that the Turks had attacked and caused a route and the fact that we needed a dozen languages didn't help solving the situation).

kaeyasupremacy • 1 year ago

don't mind me, i'm just taking a minute or 2 to read this

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

I hear ya, it really is an interesting topic. If you feel so inclined, digging into the lore and history of actual vampirism can provide some very entertaining reading, and while most cases are ones like we discuss here, i.e. mountains out of molehills.... there ARE some unsolved ones with enough eerie details to really make you think.....and that's not even touching upon actual witness accounts and testimonies....as I said it's a fascinating topic. :)

Bodri Takonyweaver • 1 year ago

Yeah I heard about it...she was most likely was suffering from an internal tumor. She was putting occult circles under her pillows every night for any sort of healing as a last resort.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

I would very much like to see what kind of circles specifically she was trying to work with, this is something I'm rather well versed in and I'm curious to know if it's something I'd recognize. Sadly a search brought up no images of such content, but if you ever happen to come accross one, please do let me know.

Bodri Takonyweaver • 1 year ago

Okay so I tried to link you a yt link with the docu film from which I learned about this stuff randomly, but the mods turned it down so I try my best to tell you here how to look for it...so either look for
Vampire Princess - Go Wild ("Go wild" also the name of the yt channel, even though I saw this docu on history or spectrum or whatev 5-6yrs before) around at the 25:00 mark you should see what I ment. (the video supposedly 52:23 long).
Ofc this is an illustration so pretty sure the crew was pulled those occult drawing from randomly somewhere so probably irrelevant, but at least there you have it my source.

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

THANK YOU for this!!!! I went ahead and found what you referenced at the point you described and saw what they used in the video....which I recognized in about 2 seconds as a commonly used talismanic formula consisting of a popular transliteration from ancient Hebrew to English (in a very mangled way).....I won't go into much detail here for various reasons, but let's just say, there is SOME possibility that was a part what she was using in her nightly ritual as it is a fairly all purpose formula, (including some of what they said in the video) but is almost always used in combination with other talismanic formulas from the same sources and by itself would have been....well..... somewhat weak and possibly unpredictable in it's effects. ESPECIALLY if done in the way that was depicted there. *eye roll*

I have plans to try looking up the specific museum they mentioned and see if there is a visual record on file available for viewing. Anyways, thank You I greatly appreciate the time and effort you went to in directing me to your source, it was helpful. :)

Bodri Takonyweaver • 1 year ago

You're welcome, happy to help:)

Jack • 1 year ago

No wonder there aren't many actual adults in the house lol, and how things are going it's probably not gonna even happen anymore.

wwlaos • 1 year ago

They didn't do the dance correctly. -__-

IStandAlone Roronoa Zoro • 1 year ago

The failed fusion made his anime the way it should have been from the very beginning.

isn't that the famous star bearer that was referenced a while back?

Golb89 • 1 year ago

Christopher's been MIA for months or years though and the fusion apparently only takes 1-2 weeks, so most likely not.

Neodron • 1 year ago

So that character was probably seen in season 1, right?

Whoever • 1 year ago

It Was At This Moment They Knew... They Fu**ed Up

reiko • 1 year ago

that last scene was so disturbing😳

kaeyasupremacy • 1 year ago

fr like who even was that

TheCatLord • 1 year ago

Yep 😁 🤭

Joseph Gacilo • 1 year ago

The dead coccooned woman was creepier here than the manga

Aurelia Avalon • 1 year ago

That was a WOMAN? (and i'm a manga reader.... wait so that corpse in this episode was really a wom-)

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

I do hope Maryrose and Rosemary are able to make it out but I don't see it happening, I just hope Kate is able to learn a lot from this experience to help her in the future especially learning what happens to those chosen to become adults a lot sooner than Maryrose, she has a lot more time to plan for things unless Edward speeds things on his end since he's still thinking about Kate.

I like how John realized that he wouldn't be able to talk to Shaun if they merge together as one so I'm glad that made him not like the idea of the merging. Seeing the result of the failed merging looked really horrific. I don't think it'll work for any pair that see each other as individuals.